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In the last decade, a technique for understanding real-world issues facing car and truck drivers has become a common and valuable research tool. This method, known as naturalistic research, has only become possible for motorcycle research in the last few years.

Participants in this research ride for approximately a year, doing whatever it is they normally do, with sensors and cameras on their motorcycle. Participants are paid. Identifying information is separated from data.

The data, which capture actions of the rider and surrounding traffic, will support riding and driving related research for years to come.

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What about privacy?

A Certificate of Confidentiality has been obtained from the National Institutes of Health. With this Certificate, the researchers and study sponsors cannot be forced to disclose information that may identify you, even by a court subpoena, in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings.

As soon as you begin participating in this study, the data is separated from your name and other immediately identifying information.

For the purposes of this project, only authorized employees of NHTSA and VTTI will have access to study data that could be used to personally identify you.
